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The history of Quality Movement shall reckon Jagdish Gandhi the visionary and philanthropic founder of world’s largest chain of school in a city the City Montessori Schools (CMS) as the messiah of Quality Movement among the school students the world over. It is solely due to Mr. Gandhi’s unlimited support and motivation that SQCC saw the light of the day.

Dr. (Mrs.) Vineeta Kamran the academician Principal of CMS Degree College with whom Mr. Bihari is closely associated for over a decade has also registered her position in the global Quality Movement among students as a powerful apparatus and dynamic force in translating the vision of her mentor Mr. Jagdish Gandhi into reality through SQCC as an integral part of TQM successfully. Dr Kamran has studied QCC and TQM from United Sates and is the recipient of Best CEO Award from  Quality Circle Forum of India.

The World's first students Quality Control Circle (SQCC) of school level children was conceived, conceptualized and launched by P.C. Bihari of Indian Railways in association with Soami Das in 1993. He constituted SQCC "JAI JAGAT" involving the students of City Montessori Inter College, Lucknow (India) in close co-operation with its Principal Dr. V. Kamran.

The SQCC "Jai Jagat" became the role model after its historic case study presentation at International Convention on Quality Control Circle (ICQCC-94) held in Hong Kong in 1994 where it was declared outstanding team of the convention. The Jai Jagat members were of 14 years age group that comprises of Ms. Sucheta as its leader, Mst. Kshitiz its Dy. Leader, while Ms. Meru, Mst. Sudeep and Mst. Nimit were its members. Later Mr. Bihari made another successful experiment of creating SQCC "CHINTAN" involving students from various schools and colleges of Lucknow, India . Mr. Pankaj Asthana was the Facilitator of CHINTAN circles that participated the Yokohama Convention in Japan in 1995 organized by JUSE, Japan. Eminent Quality Gurus like Prof. Lawrence Geeslin of North Carolina University, USA and Prof. Peter Bellonci of USA associated themselves with Mr. P.C. Bihari in the CHINTAN SQCC Project. The "JAI JAGAT" and "Chintan" students circle amply demonstrated the role, relevance and rationale of Quality Control Circles as an integral part of Total Quality Management TQM among the school students for culturing both their mind and soul and thus facilitating in their holistic development.

CMS assisted many institutions both in India and abroad in introducing Students Quality Control Circles as an integral part of Total Quality Management. Mr. Bihari introduced the SQCC concept in Maharshi Vidya Mandir School, Lucknow India which has branches around the globe with more than 65,000 students on roll in association with Prof. Peter Bellonci of USA and Pankaj Asthana.

Later Students Quality Circles were constituted world over and it was again the CMS that took the pioneering lead in hosting world’s first International Convention on Students Quality Control Circles in Lucknow India in 1997 with Dr. Vineeta Kamran as its Convenor and P.C. Bihari the Planning Secretary.

The Students Quality Movement took cyber fillip when NETsqcc “Don Dewar” was constituted under the aegis of International QCC Academy Lucknow, India.

Mr. Andre Lim, MD, IPC, Mauritius has entered his name in the history of Student Quality Movement by organising First International Convention on Students QC Circle out of India ICSQCC-2000, Mauritius.

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