CMS created yet another history when it organized first International Convention On Students Quality Control Circles ICSQCC-97 . More than 1000 students , teachers, academicians, managers, professionals and Quality experts from across the world participated in this Quality and joy infested Quality Conventions. Donald Dewar , Jakody , Prof. Shoji Shiba, Prof. Matthew Braunstien , Prof. Lawrence Geeslin and Ms Neelum De Silva the known Quality experts participated in this convention. World reputed organizations like TELCO, TISCO, BHEL, CII , MUKAND STEELS, HINDALCO , INDO GULF , INDIAN RAILWAYS actively participated or helped the organizers in ICSQCC-97 & ICSQCC-99.
CMS is hosting ICSQCC-2001 again from Dec 5th-8th in Lucknow, India in collaboration With QCI International USA and Quality Circle Forum of India.